Eye On Life Magazine

Make every day a beautiful day.

Eye on Life Magazine is a Lifestyle and Literary Magazine.  Enjoy articles on gardening, kitchen cooking, poetry, vintage decor, and more.

A Heads Up on Hats For Men

Maybe it was movies like The Blues Brothers and maybe it was just the cyclical nature of fashion and the celebs who set the trends,  but young men have embraced hats in the past two years, and made them their own… adding a dollop of 21st century style to what at first glance seems like a retro trend.  Hats are hip. Hats are cool and haberdashers are happy.

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Brockton Massachusetts Sets Worlds Record for Santa Hats

Brockton, Massachusetts is back in the Guinness Book of World Records for having the most people in Santa hats gathered in one place.  872 Santa hat wearers gathered in the town square on November 23, 2010, to wrest the title back from the town of Mulingar in Ireland-- which had unseated Brockton  for the honor in 2009.

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Seventh Inning Stretch San Francisco Style

So, in the middle of the seventh inning at Thursday’s baseball game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the San Francisco Giants Terry Nelson sailed onto the field during the traditional seventh inning stretch and belted out God Bless America for the fans.  We are talking a big lady in an even bigger hat and a scene that was pretty flamboyant, even by San Francisco standards.

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Halloween Hats For Your Little Pumpkins

Looking for a baby gift for a new or not so new baby?  Taking the older kids out for trick or treat and need a nice warm hat to use as a ” costume” for the tiny one in the stroller?  Or maybe you are just a proud granny looking for a gift opportunity.  Whatever— look no further.

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Designer Hats Literally Made from Roadkill

Scottish designer, James Falkner, brought new meaning to the expression ” fashion roadkill” last spring by exhibiting 36 fur and feather hats that were literally made from roadkill.  Falkner, a student at Edinburgh’s Telford College, got the idea after finding a dead bird in the middle of the road.

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Naked With Hats At London Fashion Week

Upmarket wig and hat designer, Charlie Le Mindu, created quite a stir recently at London Fashion Week by concentrating on big hats and no clothes.  That’s right. Charlie sent his models down the runway wearing nothing but shoes, hats and a pouty face.  Now I am a hat fan, but I really found this one a bit over the top.

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The Omo People of Ethiopia

German photographer Hans Sylvester spent six years in Ethiopia photographing the  amazing body decor of Surma and Mursi peoples of the Omo Valley.  These semi-nomadic tribes people re-paint and re-decorate their bodies up to three times a day, the way we might change oufits. Their body decor often incorporates intricate and beautiful headpieces or “hats” constructed of natural materials.

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