In the Poet's Corner: Review of In Absinthia by Vincent Moore
Author and Poet: Vincent Moore
When I came across Vincent Moore’s – In Absinthia – a collection of some of his poems, I was instantly
fascinated with the depth of feelings that this one poet was capable of
expressing and evoking in those who read his poems. The more I read his book, the more a quote by
Abraham Lincoln came to mind:
"I would give all I am worth, and go in debt, to be able to write so fine a piece as I think that is."
Lincoln was mainly referring to his favorite poem, Mortality by William Knox, but I found many of Vincent Moore’s poems fell into that same "awe of an expert poet" category. So, this made me want to know more about this talented poet
I think it’s his elegant prose compared to some of the more uncomfortable realities of how some peoples lives are lived, contrasted with the unpredictable and picky chance of life that can derail even the strongest of us, that makes his poems ones you soon can’t forget and leave a hunger for hearing more from this one poet.
Interview With Vincent Moore about his book: In Absinthia
- How did you come up with the title: In Absinthia ?
I did not come up with the title "In Absinthia ," Alexandra Lucas aka Silvergenes is a huge admirer of my work besides also being my editor and publisher and that was her idea. After reading my style and the genre I write in, she felt it was so intoxicating and thus the alcoholic drink Absinthe came to her mind as well being a loyal fan of Johnny Depp and his Sherlock Holmes movie, wherein he indulges in the taste of the green devil.
- Clearly you are a gifted poet, capable of drawing in poetry readers into expertly spun webs of many ranges of emotions. Did you have any formal training as a poet in school? It is always interesting for Americans to compare the differences in our literary education than those of our Canadian neighbors.
In Absinthia by Vincent Moore
Oh Dear! I must confess I had no formal training as a poet in school although my favorite subjects in grade school and into high school were of the arts. I was blessed in grade five in having a teacher who discovered that I had a magnificent printing and hand writing style. She made me the pet of her class and told me with printing/writing talent like that, I should go places. Of course I just laughed, not knowing that a Mentor would one day inspire me to write. However, I never wrote a single poem until October 2010 when I joined Hubpages.
- A lot of poets are not willing to explore the darker emotions, yet you triumph in allowing this side of poetry take the lead in the direction of In Absinthia's collection of poems. To me, the willingness to explore and show emotions that are uncomfortable, also separates men in particular, from those who are not in touch with their emotions from those who are. Lack of emotional connectedness is a frequent complaint that women have with the men in their lives. Now to me, exposing yourself poetically with such emotions is also an indicator of great integrity. It shows a capacity to also be a poet who will and should also being publishing a wider range of emotions. Am I right? And what types of poems do you have planned for the future?
I couldn't agree with you more about a man's emotions. Some have plenty, where others have none, some wear their hearts on their sleeves and can shed a tear at a moment's notice. In my youth and early teens, I shed many tears. My abuse was mental and not physical, however what I saw and witnessed brought tears often to my young delicate eyes. What I also saw hardened my soul and in the future it would be released by my own closet of skeletons.
I am a hardened man, yet my heart and soul are soft. I can cry easily for those whom I feel the need to do so for. I am not afraid to show my emotional side; in my writing my tears have flowed from my pen. Yes, you are right about exploring a wider range of emotions. I have written much dark poetry, soulful poetry and much of it I personally lived.
As for future writing plans, I am now venturing into attempting to write about present day events, neighborhoods, people, society, structures. Moving into the modern era is something that is beginning to attract me. However, my dark side will always be in the shadows and I know my Muse will not allow me to stray to far from my roots.
- One reviewer of your book said:
"Reading William B. Yeats, Oscar Wilde, Robert Burns, Edgar Allen Poe grabs my heart and moves my soul, and I count Vincent Moore right up there with these great poets of the past. Vincent seems to reach deep within his own soul and finds that which touches others in the deepest way spiritually and emotionally." -- Phyllis Doyle Burns.
I certainly agree with that sentiment. In thinking on that, and remembering that I once read that you were influenced by Sylvia Plath, Poe, Hemingway, Dickens, and Mark Twain - which of those author/poets do you identify with the most and why?
I have to say three influences in particular I identify with, but only one that I identify with the most. I identify myself with Sylvia Plath, Hemingway and Poe for the melancholy, sadness, darkness and death. Yet, I identify with Poe the most of the three. Why? Because I have many of the scars, pain, abuse, sadness, neglect, not being understood, alcohol, and lack of confidence in my abilities.
I struggled with being understood when I was a boy. I was neglected and abused with angry words from angry disturbed adults when I was a boy/teen. I did not write at the time, but I must have stored all that confusion and turmoil in my young soul. I was looking for love and found types of it in the wrong places, I drank with abandon as a teen to bury my pain. I fought in the streets to protect my honor and my family's honor and for survival.
I do not fear the topic of death, I many times have welcomed it and often it has appeared in my writings. Will I die by my own hand or that of another's I don't know? Until then, I will keep writing and hope that my readers and followers will continue to enjoy my work and hopefully some of it will remain as a testament to who I was as a son, brother, husband, father, a failure and finally a writer.
- You have recorded a number of your poems on SoundCloud and since there is a growing trend in spoken word poetry in the growing poetic trend of aloud and proud. Why do you think that many poets are reluctant to explore and offer this as a companion to their published poetry?
To answer this question would be difficult. I stumbled on SoundCloud by Alexandra Lucas introducing it to me and suggesting to me that I should give it a try. Yet, I think that many poets would be reluctant to explore this medium mainly because of their shyness or privacy. I know when I first started I kept doing retakes as I was not happy by the pitch of my voice. I eventually kept working at it and when I posted a few of my poems, some would come back and tell me how delightful my voice was. I have not done many, however, I am going to go back and continue with it. There are two poets you've interviewed previously that have many of their works voice recorded at Sound Cloud and all three of us follow one another's work.
- Any poetic tips and tricks that you'd like to share to aspiring poets or the poet who may be unpublished?
I would first and foremost tell you to be true to yourself as a writer. find your niche, genre and explore every facet of it. Then, write with conviction. Place yourself in your readers zone and deeply feel what you are writing. Let your soul speak to you whether its dark, flowery,funny, sensual, scenic and much more.
If you are a rhymer then be a good one, know where and how to place the words so they jump out at the reader. If you favor a dark free style as I am, then let them feel each word as it brings them to tears, laughter, sadness, forgiveness, melancholy and appreciation. They must comment on your work with great depth. Hopefully they will be telling you that they felt every word and the pulse of what you were conveying to them your biggest critic. Keep writing, keep writing, keep writing and your skills will be honed over time. Mine finally came out a couple of years ago, mostly all from much of my life experiences.